Movie Posters Blog

Soundtracks, Movie Music, Movies, and Movie Posters

I love movie soundtracks and we play a lot of them on our radio station, Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond.  I also love classic movies and have been collecting movie memorabilia since childhood.  In 2007, my husband and I opened an art museum, Femmes Fatales and Fantasies, in Scottsdale, AZ which displays original vintage movie posters.

Now I am pleased to announce that we have created an online movie poster museum for people who love posters as much as we do.

The site is called and you are all invited to visit.  We have many very rare and some one of a kind movie posters from around the world.  We specialize in posters which feature Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Errol Flynn and John Wayne but we have hundreds of posters from many other genres and we will be adding to these all the time.  Please feel free to browse and enjoy these rare posters, lobby cards and stills.  We are free and fulfilling!

This has always been our dream to share art and music with people around the world.  I hope you visit and enjoy our new site and let us know what you think.

With a song in my heart,


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