Night and Day Cole Porter

Night and Day

I was recently listening to the music of Sergio Mendes and suddenly “Night and Day” came on…”Night and Day”. Then I remembered I recently heard Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons singing “Night and Day”, the same song, sung so differently, yet both so great. I have the song, “Night and Day”, performed by no less than 24 musicians. I love every single one of them, well….maybe some a little more.

“Night and Day” was written in 1932 by the amazing and talented Cole Porter. Imagine having your music performed so many times by so many different people all through these years. The beauty and the longevity.

Cole Porter also wrote “Begin the Beguine”, (a top favorite since infancy – my mother loved this music too), “I Concentrate on You” and “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”, and so many more.

Wow! To have created all of this beauty and to have had such a successful career, one would think that Cole Porter had a charmed life. But the reality is, we play the hand we’re dealt. In 1937, at the height of his career, Cole Porter had an accident where his legs were crushed by a horse. He faced a life of constant pain, but he found that the music he created helped him cope. Cole Porter played the hand he was dealt with bravery. His legacy will live on forever, and we the listeners are so fortunate.

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