Movie Extravaganza

Movie Extravaganza

Lately I have been listening to a lot of movie soundtracks, so I decided to share these with you.  On Friday, February 17, 2017 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time and 9:00 am Pacific Time, Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond is going Back to the Future to Space Camp.  On our way, we’ll meet The Beastmaster, Batman, and Superman.  We will also have some Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

On our journey we will encounter some Star Wars but then we will enjoy some Joy In The Morning with Don Juan and the Memoirs of a Geisha.

So, get ready for your Imperial and Raider March as we will follow the Chariots of Fire.  We will encounter The Wrath of Khan but we will try some Friendly Persuasion.

Lastly we’ll return on The Bicycle Chase through Raintree County and we will meet The Cardinal and ultimately be Defending Your Life.

For those of you who join us on this journey, you truly will find The Treasure of the Sierra MadreCatch Me If You Can.

With A Song . . . Always,


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