
Kojak Takes a Walk to the Other Side

Many years ago, I had the privilege of taking classes in parapsychology under Frank Baranowski. We had many prominent guest speakers.

I heard a story that I found fascinating, and it is about Telly Savalas who played Kojak, the lollypop sucking detective on TV.

Earlier in his career Telly had been appearing in a play out of town. After rehearsal one night he decided to take a walk through the park to get back to his hotel. As he was walking through the park, a car pulled up alongside him. The man in the car rolled down his window and told Telly to get into his car; that it was unsafe to walk through the park at night. Telly explained that he was an actor, and he was headed back to his hotel after rehearsal. The man gave Telly a ride back to his hotel and because he had been so kind, Telly offered him free tickets to his show. The man told Telly to call his wife and give her the tickets.

The next day Telly called the man’s wife and explained what happened. The woman asked Telly to come to her house and that she needed to explain something to him. Telly went and saw the man’s picture on the woman’s piano. The woman then explained that her husband had been dead for several years; that he had been killed in that park and that Telly was not the first person who claimed that her husband had picked them up.

A few years later I began to lecture on parapsychology. When I told that story, so many hands went up and people said they had similar but different stories just like Telly’s. The veil is very thin. “Who loves ya, Baby?”

With a song in my heart,


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